Introducing the first Purifas® hygiene education ad campaign
We bet when COVID first broke, and hygiene education came in droves with seemingly obvious advice like “wash your hands”– you were baffled that people didn’t know this already!
COVID-19 has helped drive hygiene education – but there is still a long way to go.
Part of our mission to reduce infections during soft tissue therapy like physio and massage, includes hygiene education for consumers. You should be fully aware of what you might be putting your face into, and what can be done about it.
Introducing our new advertising campaign
We’re proud to share the launch of our new (and first!) social media campaign that aims to educate people around Australia of the infection risks of therapy beds. That little hole you’ve stuck your face into many times is a hot bed of germs and our research finds it is not sufficiently sanitised or protected.
The campaign which launched on the 16th of July, 2020 aims to:
Don’t just lie there! Get behind our mission to reduce infections during massage treatments.
Start by watching these two short videos and getting involved in the ways listed above.
Ensuring top-notch hygiene in therapy and allied health settings is vital for client safety. Shared equipment can easily lead to cross-contamination without strict hygiene protocols. Towels, frequently used in these environments, can harbour bacteria even after washing, posing risks to both clients and therapists. This guide will help you understand these risks, avoid common mistakes and implement the best hygiene practices, all while being environmentally conscious.