As a therapy service provider, Purifas recognises that not only should a therapist’s clients benefit from a therapy session but so too should the therapist: the client for the obvious reasons of receiving treatment but also the therapist from knowing they have helped someone.
In December 2021, we conducted market research to find out what was important to clients during a therapy session and to hear their thoughts on our BodyShield.
Sixty-four participants (31 males and 33 females), split over a broad age range, attended their usual 30-minute therapy session but with one small difference — they used our BodyShield. At the end of their session, participants were asked to complete a short survey.
We can report the following results:
Ensuring top-notch hygiene in therapy and allied health settings is vital for client safety. Shared equipment can easily lead to cross-contamination without strict hygiene protocols. Towels, frequently used in these environments, can harbour bacteria even after washing, posing risks to both clients and therapists. This guide will help you understand these risks, avoid common mistakes and implement the best hygiene practices, all while being environmentally conscious.