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Success Checkmark


We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that you’re eligible for a free trial of our Therapy Bed Solution.


Trial Begins Today

Your free trial starts immediately upon confirmation.


Personalised Support

A Purifas representative will contact you during the free trial period to check on your experience.


Trial Conclusion

At the end of the 30 days, pay $617 to keep the Therapy Bed Solution, or return it free of charge.

You're only charged if you keep it.

Finally, we need your credit card details to secure your trial. Rest assured, your card will only be charged if you decide to keep the Therapy Bed Solution at the conclusion of the 30-day trial.

Key Terms and Conditions

  • Your card will only be charged if you decide to keep the Therapy Bed Solution at the end of the trial period.
  • You can cancel the trial at any time before the conclusion of the 30-day period without any charges.
  • You agree to the terms and conditions outlined in our Terms and Conditions.